Display Ads
Digital Display Advertising has always been at the heart of what Fluid Ads does, and we select only the best tools and techniques, through our years of trial and error, to make your campaigns pop.
Digital Display Advertising can touch all corners of the internet, to reach your audience no matter who they are or where they are. Despite its enormous reach, it actually works exceptionally well for local advertising too, and it’s opened up a world of opportunities for Location Based Marketing.
While we’ve delivered results for a wide variety of campaigns, advertising always works best for brand awareness. The more you pack the top of your funnel, the better overall results you’ll see.
There is more to digital advertising than just Google or social media ads. But it can be a complex world to navigate, with more and more options appearing all the time.
There are multiple targeting options, allowing you to really drill down into who you want to advertise to, and when you want to do it, making it hugely cost effective. Everything is also fully trackable, giving you vast visibility across your campaign.
Would you like to know more about how Display Ads could work for you?
How it Works
Advanced Targeting Techniques
Let’s face it, the internet is a big place. Finding your audience can be like a needle in a haystack, and then when you do, you need to make sure you stand out.
The key is engaging exactly the right customers at exactly the right time. And it’s just fortunate that we know exactly how to do that.
Through our vast range of targeting solutions, you can select who you want to target based on topics, interest categories, placements, context, demographic, geographic or custom audience information.
Use geotargeting and geofencing to find people in the real world depending on where they’re based or where they visit. By capturing more of your perfect prospects with every impression, you can optimise your budgets and reduce that wastage.
From Brand Awareness to Lead Generation
Marketers know that consistency is key. The more your prospects see you, the more they’ll trickle down that all important marketing funnel.
Begin your campaign with a well built message and smart CTA to grab that attention. Then encourage your prospects to engage with you through the likes of retargeting. Clever thinking here can vastly increase results.
Savvy Media Buying
Fluid Ads is integrated into a number of DSP’s (Demand Side Platforms) and media buying networks to ensure your ads are delivered to the right programmatic channels and publisher sites at the keenest price.
Did you know that digital display campaigns are one of the most cost effective channels to reach your audience?
See how it could work for you
You can dip your toe in the water with Display Ads by opting for one of our Pilot Campaigns. It can be a cost effective way to see how it could work for you.